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When delivering information your learner’s basically have four key questions in mind. Our job as trainers and educators is to constantly, systemically answer those 4 questions. If we do so we are guaranteed satisfied learners.
Those four questions in brief are: Why we should listen in a relevance connection to our daily lives, what is the content, the model, the concepts for example, how it works, which is your chance to do exercises, simulations, interactions, exchange of experiences etc and of course what if or what next and how we can transfer this information into practice.
These are the 4 questions identified in Bernice McCarthy 4mat model which we’ve adapted for intercultural, international training. Because there is no V question, with practice it becomes easy to systematically answer those four questions in any learning session on any topic.
I am grateful to Bernice McCarthy for creating this model because it is hugely practical and applicable to all learning situations
If you’re an intercultural trainer, and you’re wondering how you can learn to apply this I do recommend our intercultural business trainer/moderator programme which you can look at on our website: In the IBT/M programme we help the practical application of this model became part of your trainer DNA.