Interactive. Exciting. Instructive.

Blended Online Live Training (BOLT)

BOLT is our unique, highly efficient and effective modulartraining approach that combines structured needs analysis, asynchronous content and exercises in a dedicated virtual classroom with face-to-face, hybrid or online live training fully tailored to your learners’ needs.
The modular elements of your Blended Online Live Training(BOLT) are selected from the modules described below:


Online needs analysis

Our online needs analysis tool provides your participants with an opportunity to define their learning goals and desire outcomes in advance of the training or workshop. Each need analysis is customised to the objectives and contents of your training or workshop. The results are collated and transferred automatically and anonymously to enable the training or workshop to be prepared appropriately to the participants’ needs.



Webinars represent an ideal opportunity to lay the foundation in advance of your face-to-face training. Participants and trainer meet live online at a predefined time. The webinar consists of an interactive presentation of the theories, models and principles related to the training topic and discussion between the trainer and the participants. The participants have the opportunity to consider and reflect on what they learned between the websession and the face-to-face training course.


Educasts – Our video tutorials

In advance of training session each participant receive access to a dedicated virtual classroom with relevant educasts, short video sequences linked to the content of the training, creating more time in the live training for practice, for participants questions and to ensure learning transfer. Post-training access to the content enhance the sustainability of the learning process.



To further ensure the transition of the newly learned knowledge and content, online exercises can be completed in the dedicated virtual classroom. These include multiple choice, sentence completion and drag and drop exercises.


Face-to-face training

Our live face-to-face training gives the participants of the learning group the opportunity to engage in hands-on, work-related practical exercises and tasks as well as best practicesharing to transfer the knowledge gained in the online training and the virtual classroom into applicable leadershipcompetence.


Live online training sessions

In each live online training session the focus is on brief, practical trainer inputs with a strong focus on interaction, relevant exercises, dialogue, participants questions, and recommendations based on the participants‘ specific questions and utilising the participants‘ own experiences.


Hybrid training

Our approach to hybrid training enables the active inclusion and involvement both of participants present in the training room as well as participants joining live online. Particular focus on short, concise interactive input sessions and frequent hybrid breakout sessions optimises participant-centered learning in the hybrid environment.


Peer coaching

To further support the learning process, we offer the option of creating peer coaching tandem teams from among the participants. Each tandem has the opportunity to engage at regular intervals between each live training session, to reflect on their implementation of the newly learned content into theirdaily business, using homework tasks distributed by the trainer.


Individual online coaching

Online coaching sessions are an excellent optional element of any learning development process in order to augment the training with individual support for each participant, making the learner experience even more relevant, specific and helpful.

To find out more about our Blended Online Live Training, please feel free to contact us.