How different can they be? I mean we watch the same television, we read the same books, we have similar clothes and so on. Frequently we hear from our clients in corporations across Europe: „Come on! they can’t be that different“. At the end oft he they suppose all Europeans. this educast aims to underline some of the differences you may experience. In terms of what research tells us or frequently perceivable, observable behaviors you may experience when you deal with British counterparts. Of course this is a broad brush look a first insight into British culture. Not everybody is like this. you may agree with some of the things that I’ve said, you may see it differently from your own experiences.
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This educast aims to give you an insight into some of the things you may experience, to give you some food for thought, how you may want to deal with those differences you experience in future. The approach we’re taking in this educast is to base it around a story with four parts. In each part of the story a certain aspect of British culture is described as opportunity for you to think and to reflect upon the culture and to think for yourself how this is different to your culture and how you might want to handle it if this happens to you.
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